#if INTERACTIVE #r "PresentationCore.dll" #r "PresentationFramework.dll" #r "WindowsBase.dll" #r "GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras.WPF4.dll" #r "GalaSoft.MvvmLight.WPF4.dll" #r "Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll" #r "System.Windows.Interactivity.dll" #r "System.Xaml.dll" #r "UIAutomationTypes.dll" #endif open System open System.Windows open System.Windows.Controls open System.Windows.Data open GalaSoft.MvvmLight open GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command // ViewModelはすっきりな感じ? type MainViewModel() = inherit ViewModelBase() let mutable message = "init" member x.Message with get() = message and set(v) = message <- v base.RaisePropertyChanged("Message") member private x.Greet = x.Message <- DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + "にこんにちは" member x.GreetCommand = RelayCommand(fun() -> x.Greet) // ViewModelのロケータ(MVVM Lightの作法?) type ViewModelLocator() = member x.Main = MainViewModel() // メインのView。XAMLが恋しい… type MainView() as x = inherit Window(Title = "Hello world F#", Width = 250., Height = 250.) let grid1 = Grid() let button1 = Button(Content = "OK") let textBlock1 = TextBlock() do base.Content <- grid1 grid1.RowDefinitions.Add <| RowDefinition(Height = GridLength.Auto) grid1.RowDefinitions.Add <| RowDefinition(Height = GridLength.Auto) Grid.SetRow(textBlock1, 1) grid1.Children.Add(button1) |> ignore grid1.Children.Add(textBlock1) |> ignore textBlock1.SetBinding( TextBlock.TextProperty, "Message") |> ignore button1.SetBinding( Button.CommandProperty, "GreetCommand") |> ignore x.SetBinding(Window.DataContextProperty, Binding("Main", Source = Application.Current.Resources.["Locator"])) |> ignore // アプリケーションクラス type App() as x = inherit Application() let locator = ViewModelLocator() do // locatorをリソースに登録 x.Resources.Add("Locator", locator) // 開始時にMainViewを表示 x.Startup.Add <| fun e -> let w = MainView() w.Show() [<STAThread>] do // アプリスタート!! let app = App() app.Run() |> ignore